This article will deal in a general way with growth hacking, a word coined by Sean Ellis in 2010.

Bringing companies “A little closer to the stars …” is probably the simplest definition of growth-hacking. But what does this term really mean? What is its field of action? With what methodology? We will try to shed some light on these questions.

A marketer’s method? Not only…

Growth hacking wants to put growth back at the center of any entrepreneurial strategy by finding all possible levers to develop it. Thus, growth hackers will use digital technology to develop a structure, not only thanks to marketing tools, but also by obtaining as much data as possible and by proposing changes in the organization, or even production. He will implement his different techniques using the AARRR method (Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Recommendation, and Revenue).

The use of the Lean method

To implement coherent strategies, he will rely on the Lean method. It is a constant search for improvement using extremely short transformation cycles in order to obtain data, confirming or denying the initial thesis. Once the experience is judged positively by the objective and measurable data collected, it is systematized throughout the structure.

Reaching a “New Frontier”

Growth hacking is located at the border between engineering, data analysis, marketing, and human resources (at least for the organizational part of the company). Indeed, for the latter, growth gains can be achieved with the implementation of digital tools. Thus, they will promote collaboration between employees as well as the exchange of knowledge. It can also make it easier for employees to work from home. Happier employees will tend to recommend their company, thus playing on the second “R” of the AARRR. Moreover, they may be more efficient in their work, thus increasing their “Income”.

A growth-hacker will use a wide range of methods to allow you to quickly develop your structure, that’s why Les Equipiers proposes the implementation of digital communication (using for example Inbound Marketing).

Large groups such as Capgemini, Groupon, and Facebook are already using growth hacking, so why not you?

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