Email marketing

Have you ever wondered why so many companies end up on SpamCop’s blacklist, or why they are constantly harassed by spam watchers? Spam is a constant threat to everyone who uses marketing campaigns, and it’s only getting worse. But there are things we can do to minimize the risk and stay on the right side of the Force. Let’s take a look at some of the best tips for avoiding this spam in your email marketing campaign.

Always use specific subject lines

Perhaps the most important tip for avoiding spam in your email marketing campaign is to make sure your subject line is specific. The subject line is what will entice the reader to open your email. It’s the first thing they see, and it’s usually the first thing that gets their attention. If your subject line is vague or too general, you are opening the door to blacklisting your email address. The best way to make sure your subject line is specific is to first think about who you are targeting with your marketing.

If you’re selling a product or service to a specific audience, such as doctors in your medical field, you can use that as inspiration for your subject line. For example, if you sell orthopedic beds and you’re targeting doctors, your subject line could be “Do doctors recommend an orthopedic bed for back pain?”. “Buy product X” is too general. “X day offer” is boring and might turn readers off. “People with XYZ problem can find solutions here” is too specific. And “XYZ disease is treated by our product” is also too specific, and could also be misinterpreted as an advertisement. In addition, some words will draw a particular focus to your emails, so they should be avoided. For example, the words “free”, “offered” are to be avoided.

Create opt-in forms to avoid spam

One of the best ways to avoid spam in your email campaign is to make sure your subscribers actively sign up for your emails. If possible, incorporate an opt-in form into them. Many campaigns will use sign-up forms to ensure that readers have clicked “yes” before, but also to set up the first steps of the user retention tunnel. So, the best way to ensure opt-ins are active is to add a confirmation phrase to your email.

For example, if you’re sending a white paper, you can add a sentence at the end of your opt-in email that says something like “If you would like to receive updates on the white paper, please click on the link in this email.” Another great opt-in method is to include a QRcode directly in your form. If your reader scans this code with their phone or computer, they are automatically directed to your sign-up page.

Use high value content in your emails

Optimizing the relevance of your emails is the secret to getting under the spam radar. To do this, you need to make sure your emails are relevant to the reader’s needs. One way to ensure this relevance is to add value-added content to your various correspondences. Value-added content should “add something” to the reader’s life, their business (to use the Bergsonian spirit of the phrase) or solve a specific problem for them.

For example, if you’re an HR company, you might add a section to your welcome emails that discusses the benefits of your company. This is high-value content. Another example is promotions. Instead of just sending a simple offer in your emails, you can also add a section about the offer that includes a discount code, or something that solves a problem for your reader. Finally, you can also add images or videos creating more qualitative content. That way, you’re not just sending a bunch of text that would likely be ignored.

Train your team on best practices

As a marketer, it’s your responsibility to make sure your team is trained in best practices. You need to enforce a clear company-wide email marketing policy. You also need to make sure that every member of the team understands this policy and that it is followed. Indeed, it’s essential that your team follows best practices when writing emails and sends them at the right time. Training your team is also a must.

Prevent spam with double opt-in

When it comes to preventing spam, the most important rule of all is the double opt-in rule. Thus, you must set up a double opt-in. Both the reader’s and the sender’s e-mail boxes must confirm that they are active users. So if one of them is a bot, you will be blacklisted and your email will be considered as spam. The best way to ensure that you are using a double opt-in is to verify that the two opt-ins are from different email addresses. If you are using an email hosting platform, it is also important to make sure that the platform is using a double opt-in. Some email hosting platforms use a single opt-in for both the reader and sender email. Make sure that both the reader and sender email addresses must confirm that they are active users.

No spam with a well thought-out lead magnet

You also need to make sure that your lead magnet is spam-free. Your lead magnet is the offer you send to your subscribers in exchange for their email address. It is the offer you ask them to sign up for. It can be a free guide, a white paper or a discount code. If the lead magnet is spam or does not allow opt-in, your email address may be blacklisted. It has to be serious and credible.

You can avoid this problem by carefully checking this lead magnet. Make sure that it is fully opt-in compliant, with no exceptions. Moreover, also check that the magnet does not contain any fraudulent content. Once this is done, look carefully at the data collected. It should only include the information needed to send the offer to your subscribers.


Spam is a constant threat to all your email campaigns, and it’s only getting worse. But there are things you can do to minimize the risk and stay on the right side of the Force.

If you want a quality e-mailing campaign, our digital marketing agency is here to help!

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